Sunday, November 16, 2008

No Idea

It has been a week since my last post. I don’t really have any idea about what to write. I had many things inside my head previously but I just had to drop it since it was very personal. By the way it doesn’t mean that I will not revealing it, only waiting for a good time to do so.

Talking about work….. Well, nothing special about it. Main thing to do is to prepare a set of target for 2009 Performance Index for the profit centres. Damn! I really like it. Although sometime it’s a bit confusing, but I enjoy doing it.

Each and every day, I am counting how many days left before my long holidays. I have 9 days of annual leave remaining. And I plan to take all of it starting on the 18 Dec 2008. Well, I expect some difficulties of getting it approved, but this Monday should be the day to know about it. As for now, there is no need to worry about it. Worry when the time is right.

This week is a week where I had my performance being reviewed. I was requested to think about how good my performance throughout the year and to decide what score I deserved to get. Well, this is more on self reflection. So without hesitation, I gave myself an A (82.4%). Hopefully the Company will agree with this as it will be reflected in my year-end bonus. (After all, who doesn’t want an A anyway…..)

And lastly, I am not sure whether you have seen this, but I got this email saying that the New Proton MPV will much look like this:


TaQuiLa said...

apa ba ko merepek ni rayner?hehehe..ketara la yg mmg nda tau pa mo type :P

Lett said...

Begitu labah nampaknya. Plain ja hidup sa ni teda apa apa pembaharuan