Sebetulnya sia plan mau pindah rumah pada hari ini.... tetapi hari khamis lalu, itu owner baru kasi sms sia n bagitau yg rumah dia belum ready... dia cakap ada legal suit dari bank...and dia perlu masa 3 minggu untuk settle everything to be able to rent the house again... sia pun mcm apa lagi... kenapa telampau short notis juga ko mau bagi? mcm mana sia mau cari rumah within 3 hari?
So I called my current landlord, asking him whether he has another empty room to be rented as the current one we stayed has already taken by other tenant which will start moving the day we want to move out - Today. We were lucky because he still has another common room available. Now we will have to adjust a bit, since we are no longer staying in a master room. Tida apa lah... calm down.... bukan lama pun. Sebulan saja. Sementara itu, sia beli tampui sajalah... manatau mau kencing malam malam.
Banyak keputusan yg sia buat dalam hidup, yg kadang2 sia tertanya tanya, betul kah nih keputusan yg sia buat? Contohnya dalam keputusan mau tukar kerja.... sia terfikir mcm mana klau keadaan di sana makin teruk? mcm mana kalau sia inda dapat buat kerja dia dengan baik? mcm mana kalau org2 dia sucks? sia terfikir adakah sia ni jenis urg yg inda tau bersyukur? tapi bila sia pikir balik, sia mana tau jawapan dia... maka yg sia buli buat adalah bedoa saja supaya kalau ok maka Tuhan tolong kasi success lah... kalau inda ok, maka kasi fail lah :).
Tapi actually cara yg paling baik mau tau keputusan yg ko ambik ok atau tidak adalah merenung masa lampau... ko cakap sama diri ko sendiri... kalau dulu sa inda begini, mesti skrg hidup sa inda begini... pastu kau reflek lah sendiri sama ada kptsn yg kau ambik tuh ok atau tidak.... yg pasti, mesti ko realize, apa yg berlaku dulu ada reasonnya... Tuhan itu wise.... tau apa yg terbaik untuk ko kalau ko berharap kepada-Nya.
When I think about my beloved COUNTRY - Sabah, I tend to get angry. I hate those so called leaders whom have no vision and mission towards their responsibility to bring Sabah and its people for the better. The cries of the sabahan people seems to be falling on deaf ear... there are so many issues concerned.... about illegal immigrants, high cost of living, poor infrastructure, poor job market, poor ppl etc.... but nothing has been done to address or to contain this problem... kalau ada pun hangat2 tahi ayam saja. How I wished those corrupt ppl rot in hell for the evil things they have done.
I just hope something is going to happen in the coming election. I dont know whether the Sabahan ppl really dont wana change which I doubt it, or its because of the dirty work of the government and the SPR who assisting in providing free IC to those illegal immigrant in exchange for their votes. Celakalah org yg berbuat demikian. Celakalah pemimpin Sabah yg diamanahkan untuk bekerja untuk rakyatnya kalau dorang inda buat apa apa and just duduk terima gaji, belanja sana sini... happy happy.... sampai masa kamu terima balasan juga tuh.
Proceed on: "Saturday Oct 1st"