Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Date To Remember

It was 5am in the morning. I was half-awake from the sound of my wife going to the washroom. I wasn't bother as I was very sleepy and the thought of going to work really made me wanting to stay on bed longer. Shortly after that my wife woke me up and pulled me to the bathroom to show me something anxiously.

I thought something bad had happened. I was really clueless about what she wanted to show and all sort of terrible things came across my mind. With eyes half opened, my wife pointed to something familiar.... A Pregnancy Test Kit she had just used without my knowledge!.

I cannot describe my feeling that time, but I am thankful and relieved because it means nothing bad happened. Shortly after that, my anxious and worry turned into excitement. Thats mean I am going to be a daddy soon. I am more than a happy man!

It reminded me about my dream last Saturday holding my own kid. But I don't remember exactly whether it's a boy or girl. The feeling is strange yet soothing and comforting. I will treasure this moment for the rest of my life :)


TaQuiLa said...

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to both of u..*hugssssssssssssssss*

Joan said...

congrats...! kepada puan sheila yang terlebih dahulu comment dari saya ni..awak bila lagi. hehe..

bah, rayner and cecilia. semoga menjadi parents yang berjaya

TaQuiLa said...

oh..suru si don pakai pos la dia punya ehurm..hahaha

Frankie said...

congratulations en rayner...jom shopping baby kit pas ni hahah

Lett said...

Sheila: Thanks... kau lagi yg mau ditunggu kan?... sebulan sekali 14 hari selepas period pergilah melawat sang suami.... keke....

Joan: nnt kami akan try sedaya upaya menjadi parents yg berjaya dan kontemporary ah!

Frankie: Belum lagi tau jantina anak sia nih... dalam bulan ke lima baru buli tau itu.... om onsikou no kie... pray for us always....

Claire said...

sy suka tu cadangan si prenkie mo shopping baby kit...jum jum..hahaha

Nancy said...

Bump for baby girl ^_^

Lett said...

Mcm lelaki ja perasaan sia