Monday, November 24, 2008

My Dream

If you have a chance to open a business on your own, what kind of business do you have in mind? As for me, I would like to start a small business first. The one does not need big capital and less people to run. There are a lot out there. But all this while, I had been thinking about setting up a laundry service shop. It’s just a dream anyway. I don’t even know whether I will ever have the opportunity to realize it, but hopefully soon, when the time is right maybe.

Well, I have been looking for information about this idea from the internet and asking questions from friend who have done it before. Actually, most and foremost, I have to think about where can I get a capital to get it start. And actually there are some organizations out there that are willing to help people who wish to start their own business by providing financial assistance.

But again, I need to prepare a business plan/model proposal, which should well explain the criteria below:

The Executive Summary should talk about the business opportunity, technology, product, market and management; the proposed financing amount and use of the funds; and contain a five-year income statement and capital requirement summary.

The Business Opportunity section should describe the product and technology, and talk about why a customer wants it and how well will it performs.
The section on Business Strategy and Key Milestones should list down business strategies including financial strategy, technology strategy, and product development.

The Marketing Plan should address customer needs, market segmentation, distribution channels, sales strategy and plans, competition and positioning.
The Operations Plan should include engineering and manufacturing plans, facilities and administration plans.

The section on Management and Key members of the Personnel, should give detailed resumes of key personnel, organisation charts, the staffing plan and headcount projections, and information on incentive & compensation programmes, if any.

The Financial Projections should include five-year pro forma forecasts - including profit and loss, balance sheet and cash flow statements; together with financial assumptions.

Your proposal will be evaluated then, and if everything seems good, then the first ladder is completed. There are many more ladders to go anyway.

This is just a guideline. There are many ways to go about doing it. So those of you who interested, please prepare your proposal and get your Trading Licence ready.

Proceed on: "My Dream"

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I watched a movie called Quarantine just now and actually I kind of love the thrill. It based on footage of a news crew, which was much similar like the Cloverfield, and in fact it was better than the latter. While I was watching over the TV reporter, Angela, somebody came across my mind. I think the way she smile had some similarity with this friend of mine.

Guess who? You would be surprised, but I think Flocy of Aberdeen makes the perfect match. You are not Jessica Biel. You are Jennifer Si Tukang Kayu. I just hope that you are not as weak as Angela in the movie….. and I hate it when she lose control of herself because of fear.

Overall, I think its worth to watch, even though I tend to get angry while watching it. Those of you who watched it, don’t you agree with me?
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Proceed on: "Quarantine"

Monday, November 17, 2008

Annual Leave

Everybody does not like Monday. As far as I know, in the Boring group only one person likes Monday very much. But today one good thing happened. I managed to get my leave approved. I don’t think it ever that easy, thanks God. So officially I would like to announce that my Christmas Holiday will start on the 18 Dec 2008. I got 9 days off day remaining, but today it’s all gone. So, like everybody, I am entering a holiday mood now.

I realized that the number of cars on Federal Highway has reduced since last week. I mean, if I leave home at 7:20, I still can reach office on time. So, I take this chance to wake up a bit late. Usually at 6:35am I must be in the bathroom already. But now, at 6:55am taking my shower, and leave my house around 7:18am. Actually, I just like the extra time for sleeping, not because I can reach office on time. Don’t get me wrong.

Today I received my Digi’s phone bill. So far, this is the lowest charges I have ever had. It’s only RM 47.50. I’m currently using Digi 1-plan, which means I have to pay fixed charges of RM 50. Well, I think I suppose to use a bit more this month. As I checked my current usage just now, it’s just RM 12.92. Dear All, please use Digi.

That’s all, thank you.

That was the house where i stayed when i was in primary school - Standard 1-5. My house is just nearby, you can wake up 15 minutes before the bell ring and run into the class. Do you see the river behind? Now you ask where did i learn to swim..... What a nice place to grow up..... Click the picture for larger view.
Proceed on: "Annual Leave"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

No Idea

It has been a week since my last post. I don’t really have any idea about what to write. I had many things inside my head previously but I just had to drop it since it was very personal. By the way it doesn’t mean that I will not revealing it, only waiting for a good time to do so.

Talking about work….. Well, nothing special about it. Main thing to do is to prepare a set of target for 2009 Performance Index for the profit centres. Damn! I really like it. Although sometime it’s a bit confusing, but I enjoy doing it.

Each and every day, I am counting how many days left before my long holidays. I have 9 days of annual leave remaining. And I plan to take all of it starting on the 18 Dec 2008. Well, I expect some difficulties of getting it approved, but this Monday should be the day to know about it. As for now, there is no need to worry about it. Worry when the time is right.

This week is a week where I had my performance being reviewed. I was requested to think about how good my performance throughout the year and to decide what score I deserved to get. Well, this is more on self reflection. So without hesitation, I gave myself an A (82.4%). Hopefully the Company will agree with this as it will be reflected in my year-end bonus. (After all, who doesn’t want an A anyway…..)

And lastly, I am not sure whether you have seen this, but I got this email saying that the New Proton MPV will much look like this:

Proceed on: "No Idea"

Friday, November 7, 2008

Do you believe in something like this?

Good day Rayner,

I have some great news for you, I've been searching through your configuration and I have just come across an event which I didn't even dare to hope for you. I can see that you are going to be living though an extremely influential period and I just had to write you you straight away to tell you all about this.

This event looks to be quite simply the most important period, and certainly the most influential period, that you have lived through in a long, long time. I can see that this is going to be a total rebirth for you Rayner. What I can see so far can be resumed in 6main points:

1) In 78 days time the Moon, our satellite will find itself in a position which will mean that it will have a very direct and powerful influence upon you Rayner. Any professional astrologer can confirm this as my calculations are based on the position of the Moon in your birth chart, and during these few days the Moon will be at it's maximum influence for you.

2) The 20 December 2008 will mark the beginning of an intense period of 6 months which will start on this day and last until 20 June 2009This period is going to be immensely rich in chances and opportunities and could even be one of the most intense periods that you have ever lived through.

3) To be a little more precise, these chances and opportunities will be on 3 major levels of your life: greater harmony and balance in your love life; financial gain which may or may not be linked to a game of chance such as the lottery and a sudden evolution in the professional side of your life.

4) During this period you will have the prime opportunity to find a permanent solution to the problems which have been dogging you for some time now. You will be able to resolve these issues.

5) This is another point which I don't think should be ignored. During this 6 month period you will certainly have the opportunity to meet someone who will be very important in your life and who will have a great deal of impact on your personal development and looks likely to bring very positive change to many different areas of your life.

6) This period will really represent a rebirth and the start of a whole new cycle in your life however I must warn you that you must be on your guard against certain exterior elements that may perturb you during this same period and which, if you are not careful, could ruin your chances for success. You will need to be very vigilant and must be ready to put yourself in just the right place and at the right time to make the most of these opportunities which will be available to you over these 6 months.

I wanted to warn you as soon as possible about this period, as soon as I found out that it was coming up I wanted to write to you directly as this period is to my mind the single most important event you have lived through in your life so far.

Our lives are made up of cycles and, if you can correctly seize the opportunities open to you in these 3 major areas of your life I have told you about, it seems clear to me that the period between the 20 December 2008 and 20 June 2009 will represent the beginning of a new and exciting period in your life.

As I have always told you, you can count upon my total commitment and my full help to guide you through this period and I have a great many things to tell you about these opportunities. Listen, I do need to pop out of my office for a short while and I just wanted to send you this email quickly to warn you that I had discovered this significant period in your astral configuration.

I am in control of my own destiny..... with God's help.
Proceed on: "Do you believe in something like this?"

Monday, November 3, 2008

Company Dinner

I just back from my company annual dinner at Sunway Hotel. Tomorrow is declared as our company off day. So i can sleep late tonight. I had been at two dinner previously which was held at JW Marriot and Shangri La, KL. The best is Shangri La, and the worst as at this moment, is Sunway Hotel.

What i noticed at the dinner:

1. Sound system was very poor. Almost everybody invited to give a speech did not get the audience attention since they cannot hear the words clearly. Who bother to listen? Apart from that, the opening ceremony also very dull, very simple. I did not feel proud of it.

2. The stage was very weird. It is only half of the total grand ball room size. If the grand ball room size is 30m x 30m, the stage is only by 15m x8m (approx). Isn't it weird?

3. They put a large display for additional of 2 projectors, probably to compensate for the small stage. Anyhow the display quality was very bad. Even when the light was dimmed, i can hardly see what happened at the stage. The color was bad, the resolution was bad..... the list goes on.

4. The food was terrible. I am not the only one saying it. A lot of people said the same thing about the taste of the food.

5. The show was very boring. The emcee failed to bring the sense of joy and excitement to the audience. The were less continuation between one point to another. They only managed to lift up the spirit at the end session of the dinner.

6. No variety - I had been working here as long as three years and been attending to at least three annual dinners. The program was very well expected. Each year you will know what will be the first, second, third session.....etc.

7. No smoking area provided nearby. If you want to smoke, you need to get to the lobby and smoke there. The main hall is located at the second level.

Some people might not feel good of my comments over here, but i think the points above are worth to be discussed and reflected during the post mortem. We have to learn to see our weaknesses in order for us to improve.
Proceed on: "Company Dinner"

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Long Live Bachelors

Once again, my wish of all the best and enjoy your special day to my fren Guz and Cher, who is going to get marry next week. May God bless both of you.

It was a nice drinking & BBQing party last night, which unfortunately I had not taken any picture since the group from Penang has it all. We gathered at Mr Brans house, although I am a bit late, but I really enjoyed their company, their jokes - their stories, and their secret after all….hehehe…..

The small party which was a ‘graceful’ one in the presence of “Pemastautin Tetap” of Penangites, Well, Joel & Jew(PAKU), the KL new comer Mr Alex, and the unknown residents of Klang Valley, Me, Ceciro, Bran & Gf & Sister, Guz & soon to be wife - Cher

I wish I can spend another time like that in future. Anyway, thanks for the invitation though, and to the Penang Group, you drive carefully and arrive safely at your destination. Don't forget to publish the photo as soon as possible.
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Proceed on: "Long Live Bachelors"


Berdasarkan kepada current updates dan news mengenai pilihanraya Presiden di AS, ramai di antara kita termasuk saya sendiri melihat bahawa Barack Obama mempunyai peluang yg sangat cerah untuk memenangi pilihanraya tersebut. Secara peribadi, saya lebih menyukai Obama sebagai calon Presiden pada kali ini memandangkan banyak pembaharuan yg beliau janjikan dalam pengurusan ekonomi dan terutama sekali perubahan yg akan dibuat mengenai dasar luar AS.

Maka saya sendiri tidak sabar untuk melihat gaya baru pentadbiran calon Presiden AS ini dan diharap keputusan akan memihak kepada beliau dan Parti Democrat menjelang pilihanraya yg berlangsung pada selesa depan ini kalau tidak silap saya.

Tetapi bagi calon-calon vice presiden pula, saya mempunyai pandangan yg agak berlainan. Seperti yg diketahui umum, Obama telah memilih Biden sebagai running mate beliau manakala Mc Cain pula memilih Sarah Palin.

Secara peribadi, saya lebih menyukai Sarah Palin sebagai VP dan secara tidak langsung ia bermaksud, saya lebih suka jika Obama digandingkan dengan Palin.

Mungkin ramai orang menganggap saya gila, tetapi saya lebih menyukai karisma dan gaya persembahan daripada Palin berbanding Biden. Beliau nampaknya lebih pandai mencuri perhatian umum berbanding Biden yg sangat straight forward itu.

Sebagai seorang politician saya berpendapat Palin mempunyai kelebihan untuk menjadi popular dengan gaya elegannya yg tersendiri. Tetapi apakan daya, beliau dipasangkan dengan Mc Cain yg tidak mempunyai idea pembaharuan baru dalam kempennya selain dengan berulang kali menyatakan akan meneruskan dasar Bush. Ini sedikit sebanyak, bukan lagi sedikit tapi banyak menyebabkan popularity si Palin merundum.

Maka dengan kemenangan Demokrat yg sudah dijangka, maka punahlah harapan saya untuk melihat Palin di arena puncak tertinggi pentadbiran AS. Walau bagaimanapun, tahniah in advance untuk Obama, and all the best terhadap career politiknya.

Proceed on: "PILIHAN RAYA AS"