Sunday, November 23, 2008


I watched a movie called Quarantine just now and actually I kind of love the thrill. It based on footage of a news crew, which was much similar like the Cloverfield, and in fact it was better than the latter. While I was watching over the TV reporter, Angela, somebody came across my mind. I think the way she smile had some similarity with this friend of mine.

Guess who? You would be surprised, but I think Flocy of Aberdeen makes the perfect match. You are not Jessica Biel. You are Jennifer Si Tukang Kayu. I just hope that you are not as weak as Angela in the movie….. and I hate it when she lose control of herself because of fear.

Overall, I think its worth to watch, even though I tend to get angry while watching it. Those of you who watched it, don’t you agree with me?
----- END -----


-f-l-o- said...

What the. Tidak sama pun!!!!!!!!!!! Juling kali ko ni. Huh.

I am still Jessica Biel no matter what. :P

Lett said...

Cuba ko tingu dr mula.... samaaaaa bah.... teda lain lagi yg sia tefikir selain ko lah yg paling sama... cuba ko tingu tuh lipatan2 tepi mulut dia masa dia senyum.....

Pas tu cara dia bernafas pun lebih kurang juga sama ko....!!!