Sunday, February 7, 2010


I just came back from KL, and after cleaning up I feel that want to sleep. It's raining outside and is so calming listening to the rain drops. But I don't understand why am I sweating at this very moment? It's HOT in here... I mean inside my room! Seriously I should consider installing aircon unit though it will eat up some of my money. Not some, mind you, I consider it as a big amount for a poor ppl like me. Should I? or Should I just buy the most sofisticated fan in Penang to cool my room down? At least it's cheaper...

There are many things that holding me from making some important decision at the moment. Even so, I keep myself walking in this path of uncertainty, making small decision based on fragment of data found along the way. Sometime you just need to move on, and have faith with what you have decided. You don't really know how are you going to do it, but it is very important for you to know that you just know you can make it happen. U just know. Full stop....

Pandai kah sia mengarang?

----THE END----


Claire said...

pandai bah. hehe tp sy setuju tu sm cara kau menghadapi uncertainty... :)you can't have all things figured out bah. kalau kau certain maksud nya apa yg kau buat tu bukan la sesuatu yang mencabar atau pun rare tapi adalah sesuatu yang biasa dan safe. you'll figure it out along the way. bagus! hehehe :)and i believe you will.

Frankie said...

iya pandai...ada bunga2 cinta. SEC ada promotion aircon RM599. Xpayah la ko consider sofistikated pernah mencubanya...hasilnya ttp xmemberangsangkan sebab klu udara tu panas, mcmana ko circulate pun mmg panas juga. sama jak bilik kita ni...sauna room

life has so many uncertainties. enjoy the mystery (or misery) gifts along the way.

Lett said...

begini labah kehidupan kita ni claire... full of uncertainty, and some unplanned things come along the way untuk menambahkan perasa.... hehehe

pasal aircon tuh franks... biar sia pikir dua kali dulu... quite attractive bah tuh harga kan... anyhow, kalau budget sia inda cukup, biarlah ... sia rela lagi buka pintu tdur tiap2 malam... harap2 tuh hsemate sia inda emncubuk sia...

Anyhow, we shud enjoy evry piece of what this life hav to offer...

alexjimmy said...

pandai oh ko mengarang ...huh life is everything...enjoy while u can...