Thursday, March 11, 2010

Catholic Engaged Encounter (5th - 7th March 2010)

4th March 2010 was my last day of working for the week. I was excited to see my fiancee as she will be joining me for the weekend. The next day, I took a leave. I was not that excited at all. I didn't know what to expect. What I had in mind was to complete the weekend as soon as possible and get the certificate. Finish.

Anyhow, it turned out to be a very wonderful experience for me. I feel blessed and lucky to be able to listen and learn from people about their marriage life. Infact, it opens my eyes wide, about what to expect after marriage; the ups and downs or romance as they called it.

All in all, God must be the center of all marriage. Without God, no marriage can be sustained. Apart for that, it is very important for evry couple to be open to each other, to think about "US" rather than "I" or "YOU" and to accept each other as they are.

To love is a decision. A decision to love despite of all the weakness and flaws on our partner. There is no such thing as "Meeting a right person" as we have to work on sustaining our love on the person we have found.

There were a lot more usefull things that we learn together including financial planning, family planning etc. Thus, we recomend every couple, married or not to at least go and listen to get to know how you can improve your married life and strenghtened the bond of love as a couple.

Thank you.

-----THE END-----


cOLoeVee said...

Lett! Congrats on ur engagement! ^_^

cOLoeVee said...
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Anonymous said...

Genial post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.