Sunday, April 19, 2009

It’s been 2 weeks since I left KL. Life seems ok here. Last Friday I found another place for running. So, I can start to run again and as for that day, I ran about 6 km. That is enough for me. If I go beyond that, I am afraid I will lose more weight. Should I participate the KL Marathon this June? I mean the Half-marathon? No, i guess i will consider for the 10 km category only..... hehehe

Here, I cook my own meal every day. Together with my housemate, the iron chef, we take turn to cook. Obviously his cooking is much better than mine and at the same time, took shorter time to be done.

I wash my own clothes too instead of sending them to laundry service every week when I was in KL. I save much on petrol too since the distance between my house and my workplace is only 4km compare to 18km in KL. Some more, I need not to pay toll here.

I am supposed to go back to my hometown on the 25th this month. I bought my flight ticket 3 months ago. But since I still on probationary for a period of 3 months, I am not eligible to take annual leave. I have to take unpaid leave of 4 days and I don’t think it is possible right now (Habis duitku)

By the way, I bought another ticket to KL as I want to spend my Labour Day holiday in KL. Haha….. Not really, just wana take some stuff and pay a visit to my ex-housemates. I wana wish everybody, Happy Kaamatan. Arigato.

----- THE END -----


life said...

bah ngam rayner..sia pun nda pi jadi pi penang ni labour day..sia sini sja men bula mungkin...

Vera said...

it's good to see that you're settling down just fine :)

Rayner said...

Hi Alex,Ada ada saja plan ko berubah ubah menurut waktu nih.... bah nnt sia pi cari ko kalau sia rajin ye.... buli kita bercengkarama lagi...

HiVera,Settling down fine? Ini belum lagi yg sia buli kategorikan sebagai fine.... this is just the beginning....

life said...

besa lah keadaan cuaca dan ekonomi inda menentu ni...pasaran saham pun turun naik secara mendadak...heheh bah urang kaya baru nikali ko belanja pi sana laundry....jaga ko klu inda belanja...

Rayns said...

Ekonomi tidak menentu? Perasaan urg saja yg tidak menentu. Pasaran saham turun naik? yg sia tau dia mimang sedang menaik sekarang.... sebab sentimen eko di us ada sikit perkembangan yg baik....

Tapi sementara saja tuh sebelum dia turun sikit.... then naik lagi.... suddah ku kata, start bulan 6 eko akan impove.... tapi itu kata2 sia saja... teda bukti... hehehehe

life said...

nakan ko punya tiket tu confusing bah ,..inda pun ada pernyataan tiket kapal terbang...hehehe