Monday, May 18, 2009

I sick

I went back from KL yesterday, and now I am not feeling good. I went to see a doctor just now and took some medication and try to sleep but my eyes resisted. I get up and I think I should write something while waiting for my eyes to get heavy. What’s wrong with me? Actually I got fever. The doctors said, I should wait for another 2 days before going for the Swine Flu screening. Suru sita, palis palis.

It’s not necessary but just as precaution step. I hate being sick. Especially during this time where people getting very sensitive if they sense that you are likely not feeling well. I need to be extra careful taking my medication tomorrow to avoid chaos. Now I am feeling drowsy. Need to sleep now.
-----THE END-----


-f-l-o- said...

Correction, Mr.

It is supposed to be 'I am sick' and not 'I sick'. :P

Lett said...

Ada ada saja ko sana.....

Anonymous said...

Привет. Странаня ситуация, пытаюсь зайти на блог, меня постоянно выкидывает. Сейчас зашел через прокси и все нормально. Можно попросить разблокировать ип адрес
Так уже с недели две не могу попасть со своего ип в блог.

Anonymous said...

Интересное замечание.