Sunday, November 22, 2009

Penang Bridge Marathon 2009

It was late midnight. I woke up at 11pm, took my shower and preparing evry stuff need to bring along the run. Before going to my car, I took some pictures of myself, so that i can remember this moment uncertainty. Eventhough I smiled, but deep inside me, I wonder, am I capable of doing this? Am I prepared for this? well, if that is the exact question, the answer is definitely no. Some more, this is my first marathon.

I arrived at Queensbay parking area about 12:30 am. There were a lot of people around. I was alone, as i knew nobody there. I tried to SMS my friends who join for the half marathon, but they never reply... probably because they were still sleeping. So, I walked around, went to the toilet, and just sit to relax myself.

The event started sharp at 2:30am. It was launched by the Chief minister of Penang. I put my earphone on, and starts to listen to my music. I felt good, and actually I gained my confidence gradually as I did not feel tired even after the 15 KM is over. I were saying to myself that this is easy. I managed to finished 20KM in just a matter of 2 hours.

Anyhow, after 25KM, my leg started to pain. I am very much aware that I did not feel tired, but my leg is killing me. I realised that, i might fail not due to tiredness, but due to muscle pain. It crawled up to my back. At this moment, i had to stop and walk, because the moment I start to run, i can feel the cramp coming.

I looked at my watch. It was 4:40am. I was calculating that i still have much time to go until 8:30am. But i wrong. I realize that i can hardly run. So I walked fast and run whenever possibly i could. I could see the sky is brighter and brighter which means it possibly about 7-730 am. Upon reaching the bridge, I can see that the Fun Run already started. I was thinking when  exactly it started. I was a bit shocked as i remember that it should start at 7:30am.... Means I still have 1 hour time before the precribed time.

I told myself that I had gone this far. I want to run but the pain was unbearable. I guess that I still have 30 minutes to go, I started to run. My leg is telling me to stop, but my mind is telling me to run if i don;t want to regret. I forced myself to run until the end. I think I should thank the Lord for the last minute strength that He  had given to me until the finishing line. I finished at 5 hours 46 Minutes.... (official timing will be known once the certificate is out)

There you are... I am satisfied with my achievement eventhough it might be considered as 'Nyawa-nyawa ikan'. after all, It worth it!!

Me with my Finisher Medal.

Feeling proud and satisfied....

:)) My first marathon, yet the unforgettable one....

I got free T-Shirt!!

-----THE END-----


Frankie said...

Kongratulashyion la Rayner! Bila mo celebrate kejayaan ko ni?

Claire said...

:D gila 5km pun mcm gila sda..:D sy bangga sm kau.hehe

Andrik McVean said...

wah ada gak plak urang sabah yang pi ikut tuh penang maraton kan? tahniah lah!!!

Lett said...

Thank you for the congratulashyion... tapi tedala samapi mau merayakan... kasi habis marathon bukan dapat duit pun... kakakak

adakah mau lari buli gila??? kakaka....Ko pun buli tuh... one step at a time lah di katakan... cuba lagi next year.... palan2 ko kasi naik tuh KM dia...

Ramai tuh mengkali pi ikut marathon, cuma mengkali durang teda blog mau kasi heboh heboh mcm sia nih... hahah

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

bah...dahi ko tue ko guna photoshop ker....semacam jer licin dia bah....(kawanmu sipemotong pipe..mak)

Anonymous said...

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