Sunday, November 1, 2009


I heard about Penang Bridge Marathon and registered myself for a Full Marathon. It was five months ago. I don’t know why I registered for the full marathon knowing that I am not prepared for it. Minta puji mengkali. I might just over confident and thinking that it is just a run… who cares about the distance. But then, when I started my routine training aiming at 3 times a week with a distance of 5-6 km at once, I could feel that my capability is just not there yet. But how??

I was relieved when my company decided to sponsor to those who wish to join the marathon. I fill in the form immediately and submitted for the half marathon. I am more confident to accomplish the run than ever. Today, I decided to check my registration status over the counter in Queensbay. Actually I checked online many times but I kind of wondering why the full marathon is still in the registration and not the half marathon?

To my surprise the PIC in Qbay told me that no double registration is allowed. I am not sure about this as the TnC only says no refundable will be entertained for what so ever reason. I asked the PIC why they accepted my registration and the money paid by my company knowing that no double registration is allowed? The reply which made me really pissed off and disgusted was “We handling a lot of forms, we cannot detect who already registered and who haven’t registered. It is your responsible to ensure that”.

Oh my goodness….. this stupid fella is really a jerk. They key in the registration into the system, they suppose to know if any double registration involved beforehand (Unless the system is really lousy) and they should hold the registration and refund the money back. Why? Because if you said you don’t allow double registration, means you reject the second form together with the money. Is there any registration involved here? If the answer is no, why reluctant to refund the money?

FYI, I am not interested in the refund though. My hope is to be able to choose between the Full and the Half marathon since both is legally paid and accepted to be registered. That’s it. It is just not proper when you says you do not allow double registration but still accepting the fees. The TnC clearly says,

Registration is only valid on the date your registration fee is received by Penang Bridge International Marathon 2009.

So jangan nak mengada-ada. Anyhow I will write to the right person regarding this matter for more conclusive answer. I might be wrong, but absolutely not at the moment. We’ll see how this going on. Worse come to worse, I’ll have to run 42 KM. If only I can finish it.


Vera said...

bagus la...need to bagi sihat tu badan..train hard! no drinks/smoke maybe will make your stamina go up.

Lett said...

I dont think i can make it for full marathon. I will end up naik bus!

Vera said... least, you tried! something new in 2009??

Frankie said...

It's ok bah rayner or bak kata pepatah sabah "Bulih bah kalau kau"
At least ko willing to participate lagi, drp sy awal2 xmo ikut sudah.
ko ikut yg half jak la.
btw, siok tu lagu simple plan ko!

Lett said...

Yes... thanks for that motivation Vera... sia try sajalah...

Siok kan lagu simple plan tuh franks? ngam untuk org yg ada long distance relationship... mcm kita...

Claire said...

hehehe tu la kau mintapuji kan mo ikut full...nda pa. cuba sja sedaya upaya then naik bas.. :D