Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Denying of Facts

Many times.... I were right about many things. Even so, many times I chose to ignore my own ground, in the name of optimism, even if  there is a risk to bear when things turn out to be the other way. Many things have turn out to be the opposite of my expectation, and I have to bear the consequences as well. I am the one who should be blamed, and I deserved it for whatever I have decided. I am pretty sure, the worst has yet to come.

I should stand on my own foot. I should hold to the principle that says "When there is a chance of thing going wrong, it will go wrong". It does make me look ugly and weak and stupid. Sometime I am just angry with myself for losing control of things that I thought I am very good at.

I hope I learn from this, and won't make the same mistakes again in future....


Claire said...

What happen...?

Wel^Beiolman said...

ko mimpi kencing d tilam jadi kenyataan ka..haha..

Frankie said...

Bah dtg penang la...have a looong late night coffee talk. :)

But i am sure you get thru that no matter what it is. :) (:

Lett said...

Claire: Adakah plak sia mau kasi tau sini? kekekek

Well: Itu lama sudah jadi kenyataan... lebih 10 kali sudah sia kencing d tilam...

Frankie: Nnt sia plan awal k... mau beli tikit yg super murah punya... lepas sia memarathonkan diri kali...