Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Principle

I have number of principles. Principles that I believe I can hold onto. Principles that I talked with everyone especially with my friends and basically agreed on what it stand for or whatever reason it holds into. Anyhow, lately, I seem to walk away from one of it. It seems that I compromise on what I hold strong previously. I purposely loosening my grip on that matter, for some reasons that I see as an opportunity or chance of a lifetime that will make me regret if I don't take any appropriate action now.

So, between the principle of what is right for many people (and to some extent is right for me too), I decided to ignore anything about it, as I don't want any regret or guilt within myself to haunt me forever for not doing what is deemed to me as a right thing to do. Yes, I believe I should do what I think is the right thing to do, as I understand myself and my situation better than anyone else. So, I trust my own judgment, even if i did ask others' opinion along the way.

Making a big decision is not always an easy thing for me. Manoeuvring my own life sometime could be a mystery. It’s like going into a thick fog ahead as I do not know what will happen and what is in there.  Many question pop out of my mind. What if this happened... what if that happened and so on.... and I don’t really know the answer. The only reason that keeps me going is because I believe in God. I believe that things will never go wrong if I let him to take charge. And many times, it is not easy to simply put your faith like that. As a human, I still need some assurance; I still need to touch, to see, to get the result and etc...  to believe.

But if I don’t have faith, how do I want to keep moving?  I might just delayed things and leave myself strangled in confusion and hesitation.  In fact, I encountered this situation many times, especially when I reached the crossroads.

I know that my principle is right. It’s always right all the time, but it doesn’t mean that I have to stand by it all the time.  As a human, I think I should be more rational, and not to look things in 2 perspectives only. There are times in my life that either Yes or No is not gonna be an answer. There are times I should stay in the twilight area

I planned things out, but it doesn’t mean it will work that way.  I believe, God knows the best about it, and I believe that nobody is going to change my life for the better except me. So.... let’s rock and roll.... kekeekek
-----THE END-----

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