Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Going Into The Reality.....

My flight supposed to be at 7:35am. Well after packed all my stuff, I went to sleep at 2:00am. Suddenly my phone rang; it was my twin who called. He said “Where are you?” I look at the clock, and God! It’s already 6:00a.m. I don’t want to scare him. I just said, I am going to leave soon. He said “What??” I said, it’s still early. I am going to make it.

I rushed to the bathroom, took my shower, check my list and pack everything left. I left my house exactly at 6:30am and asked my friend to drive me to the airport. Forced him to speed until 160km/hr as I assured him I will pay if happen to be any summon. I tell the truth to my twins, and told him that I am going to catch another flight if I missed the schedule one. Don’t tell mom.

I arrived at 7:03am at LCCT, rush to the check in counter, and luckily I AM VERY LUCKY. I managed to check in as the counter has not closed yet. Fuhh….

I arrived at Labuan Airport on the 20th Dec 2008 around 10:07 am. It’s a new airport anyway, and the weather was great. I checked on my new hair cut, to ensure it still intact. I cut my hair short, really short until u can see my balding shape.

I went shopping with my mom and aunties. My mom bought 5 litres of wine. My sister bought a lot of chocolates and a whiskey. My aunt bought a Chivas, Wine and chocolates. I bought nothing. Beers? Just don’t feel like buying anything.

My very first visit to Labuan. The purpose was to attend my brother’s wedding party, as they called it “Shower Party”. Everything was great, the food, people, environment, meeting family and friends. I notice the night life was happening too. About 400 peoples attended the party. The presentation and slides show was very entertaining. The couple also seems very happy.

I saw my mom looking at me with a kind of look. I know that look. But I don’t have the answer.

It was a nice day even though a tiring one, and probably will post some picture here later.


Joan said...

haha...i know that look.i can imagine.hahaha

Anonymous said...

Killer look tuh Joan. Tidak payah ko tanya pun ko sudah tau... sia buat tidak tau ja sambil ketawa ketawa....