Sunday, November 29, 2009

Embrace The Moment

During my 'retreat' in KL, I found this wonderful Quote:

"Embrace the present,
For the past reflects
the life you lived,
and tomorrow reflects
the life you've promised;
but today is here and now
to cherish for the moment"

I like this quote very much, and will always remind myself to live with it.

I have been in KL since last Thursday as my friend offered me a ride. So, why not?
Met with my e-housemates, went to my fav. shopping complex, sleep on my comfortable bed, enjoying foods etc. Its awesome to be here once a while.

I was in the 1Utama MPH reading books while enjoying the outside view. It was raining heavily during that time, but the view was so calming.

And last but not least, this is my favorite view from outside of my window, a view to enjoys each and every time i sit on my computer table.

I will be going back to Penang later afternoon.....

-----THE END-----


Frankie said...

Sy pun mengalami problem mcm kau ni. sy punya blog tidak terupdate tpt ko...btw, santik juga view dr x-apartment ko ni. jgn kaw pindah balik KL semata mata karna itu view...hahah

Lett said...

Intah apa masalah dia tuh.... satu minggu lagging baru dia update sendiri tuh... kena cek regularly lah nih kalau mau tau ada update atau tidak....

memang cantik tuh view dr sana... apa lagi kalau pakai DSLR kau.... ni guna kamera pon sia yg teda kualiti nih... tulah kabur2...

inda juga sia mau pindah KL semata mata tuh view bah.. kau nih... hahah

Wel^Beiolman said...

haha..lambat ka...kadang2 mimang prob server blogger ba tu..RSS dia lambat...

napa ko inda p main ujan rayner..haa..ha

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