Monday, September 1, 2008

7 Deadly Investment Sins

It is one of my dreams to be a great investor as well as trader. Apparently at this moment, I am far from that. I started to invest in the stock market from last year (May 2007). I made a small amount of profit through that "INVESTMENT" (Actually I think I gambled more than investing).

I stopped involving in stock market this year before the election, as I think the situation is not favourable to my "gambling" strategy. So, I stop for a while (not quitting) and decided to invest more on myself; as I found that a lot of things I need to learn and reflect.

I read a lot of books writing about how to be a successful investor/trader. One of my favourite books is “Winning Investment Habits of Warren Buffet & George Soros” by Mark Tier.

And here are The 7 Deadly Investment Sins: .....

#1: Believing that you have to predict the market's next move to make big returns.

#2: Looking for someone who can predict the market

#3: Believing that "Inside Information" is the way to make really big money

#4: Diversifying

#5:Believe that you have to take big risk to make big profits.

#6: The "System" belief: a developed system that guarantee investment profits

#7: Believing that you know what the future will bring - and being certain that the market must "Inevitably" prove you right

I believe some people may not agree with these points. Thus, you are most welcome to give any opinions/critics (If you are into it).


Claire said...

sy baru mo ke arah financially educated la..susa mo comment..hehe

Lett said...

Komen saja.... biar kita sama-sama belajar

renol said...

why don't you read think and grow rich by napoleon hill. A classic literature on how to be financially independent