Monday, September 29, 2008


The second day of my holiday. Doing my report, and managed to complete it by today. So, that's it. It took me 2 days to get it done!... What a waste of time..... By the way, I realize that I enjoy being at home.

I do not know why, it’s peaceful in here. Life is slow, but not boring. I wish I can work from home….. by only doing reports and e-mail it to my boss. But I know at this time, it’s just a dream….. which only will come true in the next 5 yrs maybe…..

I took some pictures at my house yard using my so-called 5MP camera phone. I don’t think it’s a 5MP anyway…..

Due to the high inflation rate of 8%, we decided to plant our own "Sayur-Mayur"

I think the "Kerbau" is cute..... due to the 5MP zooming quality, that's the best pic. Or probably it was because of my skill, I don't know.

We have all what we need - These fruits are delicious and fresh from the tree..... hehehe. But actually, it's a panoramic view using my camera phone. Promotion bah!!

Tomorrow the yellow one will gone.....

If this piece of land left unclaimed, automatically it will be mine within the next 5 years. For free..... no dispute.....

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