Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today I did not attend the Sunday mass as I usually did. I must admit that every time I missed the mass, I felt guilty or like something was not right. By the way, this is not the first time I missed it. Only this time I feel about writing it.
Knowing God’s infinite love turned my guilt into acceptance of being a sinner and to fully acknowledge it and to be humbled. (Pandai plak aku berkhutbah).

Anyway last week Sunday Sermon reminds me of my work and career. In the Bible Jesus answered a question of “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?”

Then he said to them, "Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

Full: Matthew 22:15-22

So I try to reflect on one thing:
1. Did I deliver my job faithfully? Did I give my boss or my company what supposedly and rightfully are theirs?
It all about Justice. Justice in everybody and everything we do.
----- END -----


Claire said...

hehe..ya pun pandai rasa yg scary dia kalau sda terbiasa ter miss then tu perasaan guilty semakin berkurang dan alasan semakin bertambah..sigh..

Lett said...

Samalah kita..... mcm2 alasan keluar... hujan la, penat la... minggu depan laa.... inda apa bah sekali sekala laa.... dan sebagainya.....